Beautiful, Unique and Worthy

Glam Haven Photography serves everyday women in Omaha, Nebraska, and Phoenix, Arizona. At our all-female studio, we celebrate women of all shapes and sizes, embracing their femininity while empowering them to recognize their inherent worth. You are worthy of love, respect, and admiration just as you are. Embrace who you are right now—every curve, every inch of you—because you are perfectly imperfect and absolutely beautiful. Let's celebrate you and the unique story that makes you worthy of being seen and cherished.

You deserve a day full of pampering with a photo session in our studio

“…if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.”

— Beyonce’

L I S A | The Worthy Project

First, I want to say how immensely humbled I am to work along side such a talented photographer for this project – WORTHY. Such an important word for women since everything is so blinded from the social media platforms and the race to try and be someone other than us and who we are and that each of us is worthy in this life no matter what we have been through. So, let’s stop trying to always keep our own crowns straight and start straightening each other’s. Let’s see each other through the eyes of our Creator.

I won’t say I have had a hard life. I have made some hard choices that had collateral damage in many ways. Majority of my life as a young child and in my teens struggled with being seen, heard, and really feeling loved. I never really had a lot of friends growing up and to this day I really can’t say I have mastered this in my 40s. For a long time, I weathered my worth on making people like me by conforming to who they are as a person and who they wanted me to be - not seeing the true worth and beauty in myself. It became a monster in my 30s going through a bad divorce, moving a ton of times, not really knowing how I was going to come through it all. It was a shit storm; but through that storm I met the most amazing friend – that can in no way let me down and loves me for me – Jesus. I am a Christian – I was baptized in 2015. It was the most beautiful thing next to giving birth to my children.

There are still many challenges, but one thing is for sure - I realized that being seen or validated by another person is not what makes us Worthy. It’ you, me our differences, our beauty, our thoughts, and most importantly our journey in life! It is on my heart to help women to enrich another woman’s life encouragement and strength to stand up for YOU.

D E E N A | The Worthy Project

Being a part of WORTHY is a capstone. It forced me to look back on my life and acknowledge the things that had to happen to become the person you photographed today. I am proud of who I am and with the support of some very special people, I now recognize I am WORTHY of my achievements. It took a long time to get here. Every day my father’s words dim a bit more and that is healing. It’s an incredible thing to finally get to the top of the mountain you’ve been climbing your entire life. The path I’ve taken to gethere was certainly not traditional, but it worked for me. I wouldn’t change one thing because I wouldn’t be who I am now if even a single instance happened differently. I’ve finally embracedthe things that should’ve broken me. It’s a juxtaposition, my life. Broken but beautiful. Someone I admire recently said to me, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey along the way. Being a part of the WORTHY project has helped me celebrate my journey. It was time.I hope my story helps inspire and encourage other women to also embrace their journey, even the most difficult parts and remember the darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

Per aspera ad astra – t hrough adversity, to the stars.

Lets Chat!

Thank you so much for your interest in The Worthy Project with Glam Haven Photography! We can’t wait to chat with you about all the details of your photo shoot experience. We will be in touch shortly!